Thursday, February 21, 2013

Week 1 Day 1 C25K

Oh my... I am alive. I thought last night I might die. I decided to begin doing the couch 25k program. I was so nervous about doing it..... I am NOT a runner I am a crawler lol. So hubby came home from work and off to the YMCA we went. Drop the kids of at their workout aka childcare and to the gym we went.

I hesitantly approached the dreaded treadmill and turned on my music. I have to say it was hard.... okay really hard and I am sure I sounded like a dying cow BUT I completed the day one challenge. I really attribute a lot of my success to three things....
  1. Hubby doing the elliptical next to me not even sweating or panting hard (can I say I hate men).
  2. My best friend is two hours away doing the same thing as me.
  3. My rocking workout playlist. (I will post that this Monday)
 After nearly dying on the treadmill I walked (okay kinda of wobbled, picture cooked spaghetti walking and that's what I looked like) over to my bikes. I did 4 miles on the bike while again my husband worked out on the treadmill watching tv and breathing fine. The YMCA trainer spotted me on the bike and came over to make sure I would be at my session tonight..... oh no I'm going to die.

Ken decided he would begin to blog with me this time. We are committed to this process of healthy living. Ken will be blogging here on this blog with me..... look for his first post this weekend. I am so excited to share this journey of our life with all of you. Look for our beginning photos this weekend... Until next time drink some water :)


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

YMCA and Me

233...... Yep 233 is my current weight. That is ALOT but for me it is great! I started this year at just under 250. That is the highest I have been at since 2004..... That number has been my wake up call. I will NEVER see that number on a scale again.

I realize now I have been blogging for almost 3 years. WOW, what has once been a couponing and giveaway blog is beginning to take on the saving my life blog. I am seeing my life in new light..... One where my education, health, family, and friends take more priority than extra money or new things. I am not saying that is all nice, just that my focus has changed. Looking back I remember the scale saying 350 after the stillbirth of my daughter in 2001. I had hit an all time low in my life. Horrible marriage, abuse, low self esteem, and now losing the one thing that could have loved me. Three children later I am realizing them lving me is NOT the issue..... me Loving me is the issue.

Yes I know I should love myself as I am and accept myself but I simply can not. I have become lazy, self condemning, and a quitter over the years. This is not okay and it is not a person I can love. So I am making some changes.....

Ken and I joined the local YMCA this month. This was a huge step for us and also an accountability measure. See the accountability in it is that if I am going to pay for something I am going to use it (the frugal comes out in me). We got a family membership and although it is a small center in the middle of no where, it gave us the one most important feature we needed to succeed...... CHILDCARE!

Yesterday was our first day using the center. I kept my heart rate at 175 for the entire time I was there. I would love to tell you I worked out for an hr or two but in truth I died minutes after starting. In the end I accomplished one mile on the Elliptical, .5 mile on the treadmill, 2 miles cycling and a .5 walk. It is not much and to those that work out that is probably a warm up BUT for me it was GREAT! Before leaving I scheduled myself for a workout routine session and a trainer session which will take place Thursday evening. After leaving the Y, Ken and I stopped at Subway where we both ate a 6inch (mine on wheat his on flat bread) of chicken breast and ALL the veggies, no cheese no mayo but a little red vinegar.

This is a SLOW process but one I am excited to begin and share. The trainer told me something that hit a chord with me yesterday:
My weight loss is: me cooking in a slow cooker not a microwave... a healthier choice but one that requires patience!

Visit My other Blog 'It's All About Entering Giveaways' for current giveaways I have entered!